I’ve decided to try entering the brave new world of Octopress. My old blog was hosted by WordPress, which is a perfectly fine blogging framework. However, I found that it seems to have a lot of features for large teams of writers that I don’t really need. More importantly, I found writing about code snippets really tedious, since I had to do the HTML myself and avoid the WYSIWYG editor. In reality, I ended up writing my posts in Markdown and then pasting the generated HTML into WordPress. This would require further tweaking to make sure everything would still look nice after the import. Since I was using Markdown anyway, it makes sense to try a blogging framework based around that.

This should let me do some nice new things as well. For example, I could use D3 to generate nice inline graphs, or I could use MathJax to render nice inline math when needed.

Anyway, here goes my experiment with Octopress.